Detailed steps:
1. Open the calculator (Click "Insert file action" button on "Insert" group panel and select "Open program/file" item, then enter "calc" on the path input box of "Insert open program/file" window and click "Insert" button).
Action sample:
2. Wait for the calculator window appears, ready to use control actions (Click "Insert window & control action" button on "Insert" group panel and select "Window manager" item, then choose the title of the calculator window in the title list and select "Wait Win" action in the actions list and click "Insert" button).
Action sample:
3. Use control actions wizard (Click "Insert window & control action" button on "Insert" group panel and select "Control manager" item).
4. Click the number 5 (Press "Finder" icon, drag the icon to the control of number 5 and release the icon, then select "Click Con" action in the actions list and click "Insert" button).
Action sample:
5. Click the multiplication symbol (Press "Finder" icon, drag the icon to the control of multiplication symbol and release the icon, then select "Click Con" action in the actions list and click "Insert" button).
Action sample:
6. Click the number 9 (Press "Finder" icon, drag the icon to the control of number 9 and release the icon, then select "Click Con" action in the actions list and click "Insert" button).
Action sample:
7. Click the equation (Press "Finder" icon, drag the icon to the control of equation and release the icon, then select "Click Con" action in the actions list and click "Insert" button).
Action sample:
8. Current action example:
9. Add the action delay for easier viewing in sequence (Click "Insert time action" button on "Insert" group panel and Select "Delay" item, then fill 700 milliseconds on "Insert delay" window and click "Insert" button).
The complete action example: